Buried in
An Interactive Guide to Burial Records in the Fingal Area

Welcome to Buried in Fingal

Burial Grounds Location Map

Interactive map illustrating the locations of all burial grounds in the Fingal area managed by Fingal County Council

Fingal Burial Grounds

Information on Fingal burial grounds including their management, history, plans, photographs and GPS location

Search Burial Records

Extensive database consisting of Christian name, surname, last place of residence, interment date and grave location

PDF Downloads

Downloads available of full interment record books, plans and maps of burial grounds

For queries regarding historical burials or graveyards contact Fingal Archives at or call 01 870 4496.

For all queries in relation to current or proposed burials, please contact the council’s Burial Grounds Section at on call 01 870 4449.

A complete, searchable database of burials in Fingal provided by Fingal County Council

Fingal County Council’s Archives Service has teamed up with the Burial Grounds Section to provide access, for free, to all the records of burials it holds.

Fingal County Council is responsible for burials in 36 graveyards in North County Dublin. For the majority of these, the Council holds a record of burials dating back to at least the 1930s.

When Dublin County Council, as it was then, took over this function from the Dublin Board of Public Health, after the County Management Act of 1940, it also acquired the records, including a set of hand-drawn maps and sketches of many of the graveyards.

Initially begun as a conservation exercise, to digitize these maps, some of which were in very poor physical condition, the project then expanded into a plan to scan all the burial registers in order to have back-up copies in case of disaster.

Once we had the scans, we thought, why not index them, a huge task, converting 65,000 hand-written entries onto a database, which has taken years to complete. It was then decided to put all of this information, adding in notes on older graveyards, historically significant burials, directions, photographs, and map references, to create a complete database of information on all graveyards in Fingal, and indexed records of the burials in our registers.

The earliest burial on the database is February 1877, and the last one dates from July 2013. More recent burials will be added once an appropriate amount of time has passed.

For all queries in relation to current or proposed burials, please contact the council’s Burial Grounds Section at or call 01 870 4449.

For queries regarding historical burials or graveyards contact Fingal Archives at or call 01 870 4496.

Fingal Archives would like to acknowledge the involvement of Informa and Kaelleon Design in this project. We also used photographs of historic graveyards taken by archaeologist Christine Baker as part of another Fingal County Council project.

Dr M. S. Egan carried out an extensive headstone survey of all graveyards in  Dublin City and County IN THE 1990s, which was published in 10 volumes. The publication is available for reference only in Fingal Local Studies Library, and in other libraries such as Dublin City Local Studies and the library of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Many of Dr. Egan’s notes and transcripts are referred to in this database. There are also references to entries in the Journal of the Association of the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead of Ireland (JAPMDI).